- There is no dresscode, but we advise you to dress formally. You can't go wrong with Business Casual.
- Yes, we recommend you to prepare your CV as a PDF before hand. Companies will normally ask for them.
- We don't recommend it. We try our best to consider all your time preferences and place your interviews close together. With over 700 interviews, this is quite a hard problem and we can make no guaranties.
- Prepare as you would for a normal interview. Most interviews are about getting to know each other. You might also be asked technical questions.
- They are between 30 to 45 minutes. You have at most one interview per hour.
- Once you are registered and the interview matching phase has started, you can send interview requests to the companies. When a company accepts your request, the interview will take place on Campus Interview Day. You can increase your chances by accompanying your request with a personal message. The exact time slot will be communicated once the matching phase has ended.
- Unfortunately not, but you can give your preferences. Our algorithm will globally optimize based on all preferences and the closeness of your interviews. With 700 interviews chances are high it won't be optimal for everyone.
- You can withdraw a request before it is accepted by the company. Afterwards, the interview is set and cannot be cancelled. For exceptional cases with a very compelling reason you can contact ETH juniors. No shows will be fined with 200CHF.
- Out of fairness. With every interview you have arranged, you take the place of someone else. We therefore want to minimize the number of no-shows, out of respect to your fellow students, the companies and ETH juniors.
- Timely after the matching phase has ended, probably around one week before the event.
- Yes, please enter the online meeting 5 minutes before the interview
- Access is only granted after a company has made a first booking and has been verified by ETH juniors.
- Most students will sign up from end of February to the mid of April, base don our experience in the last years.
- In order to organize a pre-event please contact ETH juniors. ETH juniors will go through all the details with you.
- Based on our data policy we will delete all personal data after the event. Students are encouraged to bring their personal CVs to the interviews with their personal contact data.